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2017 , ASHRAE FUNDAMENTAL HANDBOOK,MOISTURE MANAGEMENT IN BUILDINGSوPsychrometrics,ASHRAE ,relative humidity,Thermal Comfort,ASHRAE Standard 55-2013,ASHRAE research project RP-1699,2017 climate data,HVAC,ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database,Duct Design,HVAC Systems and Equipment,Refrigerants,Moisture Management

أشري بتنزل  هاندبوك كل 4 سنوات بالتنواب مابين الاربعه هاندبوك الخاصين بيها وفي 2017  الدور علي اهم واشهر  واكثر هاندبوك بنستخدمه  ASHRAE FUNDAMENTAL  في البوست ده بننشر  الكتاب  بنسختيه  SI  & IP
الكتاب بيتناول بالتفصيل حساب الاحمال الحراريه بالقيم التقريبيه للانبعاث الحراري من الاحمال الداخليه مع شرح تصميم مجاري الهواء والمواسير مع مقدمه عن علوم انتقال الحراره والسيكومتري  والاصدار ده في فصل جديد  هو  CHAPTER 36  والي بيتكلم عن  MOISTURE MANAGEMENT IN BUILDINGS

Chapter 36, Moisture Management in Buildings, presents data on indoor vapor release and measured indoor/outdoor vapor pressure/concentration differences, and discusses moisture sources and sinks that can reduce materials’ durability, as well as the negative effects of insufficient or excessive indoor relative humidity

ويوجد بعض  التحديثات في الفصول  الخري  كما يلي

  • Chapter 1, Psychrometrics, has updates to moist air properties based on ASHRAE research project RP-1485, and a new, more accurate definition of relative humidity for conditions beyond the normal range.
  • Chapter 3, Fluid Flow, has  a new example and equations for expansion factor in the section on Compressibility.
  • Chapter 4, Heat Transfer, has three new examples plus two new correlations for single-phase flow in plate heat exchangers.
  • Chapter 5, Two-Phase Flow, has updates for research, plus new correlations for condensation and evaporation of ammonia and carbon dioxide.
  • Chapter 6, Mass Transfer, has added new text and an example in section on Molecular Diffusion in Liquids and Solids.
  • Chapter 7, Fundamentals of Control, has new content on thermostatic valve actuators, placement of sensors, auxiliary control devices, and network architecture.
  • Chapter 9, Thermal Comfort, has new content from ASHRAE research project RP-1504 on nonwestern clothing; combined chilled-ceiling, displacement ventilation, and vertical radiant temperature asymmetry effects on sedentary office work; and updates to align with ASHRAE Standard 55-2013.
  • Chapter 10, Indoor Environmental Health, has updates on bioaerosols, plus new content on electronic cigarettes and on climate change.
  • Chapter 11, Air Contaminants, has new content on particle sizes and settling times, particulate contaminant effects, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) measurement, volatility, mercury, e-cigarettes, and 3D printers.
  • Chapter 14, Climatic Design Information, includes new data for 8118 locations worldwide—an increase of 1675 locations from the 2013 edition of the chapter—as a result of ASHRAE research project RP-1699.
  • Chapter 15, Fenestration, has updated discussion on U-factor, solar-optical glazing properties, complex glazings and window coverings, tubular day lighting devices (TDDs), and spectrally selective glazing.
  • Chapter 16, Ventilation and Infiltration, has been updated and revised for clarity throughout, including recent research results on envelope air leakage.
  • Chapter 17, Residential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations, has updates for 2017 climate data and current standards.
  • Chapter 18, Nonresidential Cooling and Heating Load Calculations, has new design data for lighting power densities, motors, kitchen equipment, LED lighting, walls and roofs, and an updated example calculation.
  • Chapter 19, Energy Estimating and Modeling Methods, extensively revised, has new sections on method development history, using models, uncertainty, thermal loads and model inputs, envelope components, HVAC components, terminal components, low-energy systems, natural and hybrid ventilation, daylighting,  passive heating, hybrid inverse method, and model calibration.
  • Chapter 20, Space Air Diffusion, has new content on outlet types and characteristics, air curtains, thermal plumes, and air movement in occupied zones.

  • Chapter 21, Duct Design, was reorganized for ease of use, and updated for data from the latest version of the ASHRAE Duct Fitting Database.
  • Chapter 22, Pipe Design, has a new title and now incorporates the content of its sister chapter, Pipes, Tubes, and Fittings, from HVAC Systems and Equipment. Also added are content on PEX pipe, plus expanded applications.
  • Chapter 24, Airflow Around Buildings, has new content on flow patterns around building groups and isolated buildings, environmental impacts, pollutant dispersion and exhaust reentrainment, pedestrian wind comfort and safety, and wind-driven rain.
  • Chapter 28, Combustion and Fuels, has new content on renewable gas, portable combustion analyzers, altitude effects, and combustion-driven oscillation.
  • Chapter 29, Refrigerants, has updated content on new refrigerants and on materials compatibility research.
  • Chapter 30, Thermophysical Properties of Refrigerants, has new or revised data for R-1233zd(E), R-245fa, R-1234ze(E), and R-1234yf.
  • Chapter 34, Energy Resources, has extensive updates for new statistics on worldwide energy use and resources.
  • Chapter 35, Sustainability, has new content on the water/energy nexus, embodied energy, and climate change.
  • Chapter 37, Measurement and Instruments, has updates on nondispersive infrared carbon dioxide detectors; data acquisition and recording; and measuring winding temperature, flow rate, rotative speed moisture content and transfer, and mechanical power.








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