اي معني, طيب حضرتك عارف ASHRAE تحب تاخد كورس فيها
اي معني, طيب حضرتك عارف ASHRAE تحب تاخد كورس فيها
ASHRAE ليها معهد مختص في التعليم وليه سلسله اسمها Fundamental of design
ASHRAE ليها معهد مختص في التعليم وليه سلسله اسمها Fundamental of design
منها كتب كتير زي fundamental of steam system design , fundamental of air system design , والكتاب الي معانا في البوست ده الي هو
Fundamentals of Refrigeration
منها كتب كتير زي fundamental of steam system design , fundamental of air system design , والكتاب الي معانا في البوست ده الي هو
Table of content
Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Refrigeration
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
Chapter 3: Multistage and Cascade Refrigeration Cycles
Chapter 4: Evaporators
Chapter 5: Compressors
Chapter 6: Condensers
Chapter 7: Refrigerant Flow in Pipes, Valves, and Pumps
Chapter 8: Expansion Devices
Chapter 9: Pressure Vessels and Refrigerant Management
Chapter 10: Refrigerant Selection
Chapter 11: Product Cooling, Freezing Loads, and Cooling Secondary Fluids
Chapter 12: Practical Guide to Refrigeration Systems
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Thermodynamics
Chapter 3: Multistage and Cascade Refrigeration Cycles
Chapter 4: Evaporators
Chapter 5: Compressors
Chapter 6: Condensers
Chapter 7: Refrigerant Flow in Pipes, Valves, and Pumps
Chapter 8: Expansion Devices
Chapter 9: Pressure Vessels and Refrigerant Management
Chapter 10: Refrigerant Selection
Chapter 11: Product Cooling, Freezing Loads, and Cooling Secondary Fluids
Chapter 12: Practical Guide to Refrigeration Systems
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